Wednesday, June 29, 2011

O that's right, I'm here to teach...

We started micro teaching for the first time during training today. Well, we were supposed to anyways. We ended up getting the time for further planning and preparation for when we actually start micro teaching tomorrow. (I spent the time practicing writing on the chalkboard...) Micro teaching is essentially a 10 minute practice session in front of the other trainees teaching the same subject. Luckily for me, that is only 2 other people.

Next week is when things really get crazy. We start internship teaching on Monday already! We will be responsible for teaching actual students a relevant lesson in a real Tanzanian classroom! The fact that I'm here to be a teacher is finally really setting in. Teaching was never something I saw myself doing, not at the middle or high school level at least. I'm starting to get really anxious about it. What will I teach? Will it be relevant? Will I be able to control the classroom? Will I know enough about the subject to teach it? (The other ICT volunteers are VERY tech savvy. One has her MA in Computer Science and the other is a software engineer with a lot of experience. I have a BA in Communication, PR and Graphic Design... Luckily after looking at the syllabus and talking to current volunteers, it sounds like ICT has some wiggle room in what and how we teach. It sounds like it really all depends on your site.)

PC has given us a lot of really helpful instruction on teaching in a "learner centered" classroom environment, a switch from the "teacher centered" environment I guess TZ is currently in the process of making. It's been a lot of good information, but I have no idea how well any of it will work until I start actually teaching.

I do, however, think I'm just as excited as I am anxious. I really can't wait to start and see how things go.

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